
March 12, 2020

Lock the Doors!

Have you stocked up on groceries in case you have to be quarantined? If so, what did you buy?

If you are following the DASH diet, it’s actually very likely that you have the right foods on hand. I’ll share my DASH stockpiles. It’s all real food. Unprocessed or minimally processed. Easy to combine to make many different types of great meals.


ground beef

hamburger patties

pork loin chops

chicken breasts

salmon filets

Bags of broccoli, green beans, sweet corn, peas, diced onions


On the counter

Fresh tomatoes


Garlic cloves

Olive oil



Milk, light yogurts


Salad dressings


Fresh veggies: bagged (or not) lettuce, baby carrots, broccoli slaw, grated carrots, diced celery, radish slices

Fresh fruit: berries, oranges and tangerines, apples.


Cashews and mixed nuts

Light whole wheat bread


Sliced cheeses and low sodium deli meats

Peanut butter and jellies




Cans of diced tomatoes and sauce

White basmati rice


Soups, reduced sodium

Canned beans

Canned fruit


Whole grain cereals

Dry spices and herbs

Staples: flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking powder, baking soda, salt, powdered sugar, honey

With this as a foundation, I can make many different meals, with enough food for 14 days. The only thing that I’m concerned about is fruit. Today I bought some canned fruit, in case I really should have to self-quarantine, since I would run out of fresh fruit. Canned peaches, mandarin oranges, and applesauce were my picks. There is a much smaller variety of canned fruits compared with canned vegetables. So, add in some frozen berries for variety. While you are at the freezer section, add some extra types of frozen vegetables. Get some fresh food, too. In the produce aisle think about getting a few heads of lettuce, some grated carrots or broccoli slaw, and tomatoes. Pick up some fresh fruit that will carry you for a week or so, berries, bananas, tangerines, or whatever strikes your fancy.

As an aside, one thing I don’t understand is people stocking up on bottled water. This isn’t a hurricane. The water will still keep flowing.

And as long as you’re spending more time at home, you could start thinking about a garden. Vegetables, fruits, and herbs make it super easy to make fresh, tasty meals with the basics that you have on hand. I live in Southern California, so it is garden time right now. Citrus trees are blossoming like crazy. I still have a couple of oranges on my tree, and there are hundreds of lemons on my tree. I am late to planting vegetables this year, it’s too hot to start lettuce, peas, cabbage, broccoli, or beans. But I just planted tomatoes, zucchini, and cucumbers, and refreshed my herb garden. This makes for healthy living and eating without having to try very hard and at a very low cost. Plant, water, harvest. Couldn’t be simpler.

This really is the DASH diet formula for a lifetime of healthy eating, with or without a quarantine. Keeping the right foods on hand makes it so easy!

Game Plan: Super Bowl on the DASH Diet

January 31, 2018

It’s no surprise that so many people get off track with snacking during football season, and Super Bowl parties can be the worst. Fewer hours of sunlight, colder weather, and so many high calorie, junk food options can lead to lots of over consumption, just for the fun of it.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what you can eat, five minutes after the last snack?

OK. Let’s fix that! Here are 5 simple tips for the right foods to make your Super Bowl party help you stay super healthy. If you aren’t throwing the party, bring one or two of these easy choices. The hidden trick in these foods are that they are satisfying, quench your hunger, and just happen to be nutritious.

Your Game plan

For a great party, you will want to include:
Raw Veggies

  • Cut up raw veggies: bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, raw green beans, celery, and more.
  • Fruits: Apples, pears, berries, sliced melons, and, especially at this time of year, tangerines
  • Nuts and nut butters: Cashews, almonds, peanuts (preferably in-the-shell), hazelnuts, etc.
  • Dips: Salsa, guacamole, hummus
  • Cheese (Preferably light): Swiss (very low in sodium), Colby-Jack, Cheddar, Brie, etc.
  • Protein-rich foods: Hard-boiled eggs, slicked turkey, chicken, or beef, chickpeas, etc.
  • Chili with lots of veggies from The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution — Hearty Extra Veggie Chili.

Mix it up.

Serve foods that are bulky along with foods that are satisfying.

Hearty Veggie ChiliFor the Super Bowl main course, the chili scores on both counts! For snacking, pair up fruits or raw veggies with nuts, cheese, or the other protein-rich foods. Or top your raw veggies with one of the dips. The fruits and veggies are bulky and filling. The foods that have the protein and/or the heart healthy fats (nuts and guacamole) are going to quench your hunger, without putting you on a sugar roller coaster that can trigger cravings.

All of these foods are simple to keep on hand, ready-to-eat. If healthy, good snacks are easily available, you don’t have to have lots of discipline or willpower to stay on track. The new style of dieting doesn’t make you fight how your body works. What a concept! This actually is easy to do!

Football season is fraught with eating and drinking pitfalls. Make it easy on yourself by keeping great snack foods on hand.

Learn more easy-to-follow diet moves in The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution.

Eating Clean

June 28, 2016

What does that mean to you? To me it means eating lots of fresh fruits and veggies along with lean protein-rich foods, mostly whole grains, nuts and other foods rich in heart healthy fats. That makes me feel like I am eating lighter and healthier. And I am.

But I didn’t know much about how updated farming methods play into the “clean” equation.


Newborn piggie! And me in our “clean” garb.

I was recently privileged to take a tour of an Iowa pig farm with several other dietitians. It was a revelation in terms of the precautions that farmers (and their resident veternarians) take to keep their animals safe and clean. Prior to our trip, we were informed that we would need to “shower in and shower out” before being allowed into the main barn, where the pigs were raised. After the “shower in” they gave us clean jump suits, new undergarments, and new boots to wear. The farmers did not want any potentially harmful bacteria or viruses being brought into the farm, or if some infection should occur, it would be prevented from spreading from one barn to another. After our tour we showered again before changing into our own clothes and leaving the barn. HEPA filters for the incoming air were another important step taken to prevent bacteria or viruses from entering the barns. This is a stricter anti-contamination program than hospitals use for patients with antibiotic-resistant infections!

The pigs on this farm were kept inside from birth. Why? It is cleaner. Beyond significantly reducing the risk for any kind of infection, it also reduced the risk of the animals getting environmental parasites. Virtually all pigs that are raised (even partially) outside will get worms, mange, and lice. Indoor life for these pigs was another advantage for cleanliness.

The farm used additional means to reduce the chance for illness, by using an “all in/all out” approach to moving the pigs from area to area. For example, all the piglets were moved from the birthing room to their weaning room at the same time; their mothers were also moved out together. This allowed for scrupulous cleaning of each room between groups of animals.


That gloved arm just “pulled” this pig.

My favorite part of the trip was the birthing room. The goal of the first day care for the babies (yes, just like a hospital nursery) was to clean and dry them immediately after birth, help them get a full belly, and keep them warm. We actually got to assist in some of the births! Yes, indeed! We “pulled” baby pigs by putting a gloved arm into the birth canal of the sow. If a mom has 20 – 30 babies, she gets tired and can use some help with the deliveries. We helped clean and dry the newborns and then put them next to their mom to latch on. Heat lamps helped keep them warm.

The food supply for the pigs was primarily corn (raised on the same farm) with other key nutrients such as vitamins and minerals added to optimize nutrition. The amount of feed they received was calculated to provide appropriate growth. Our group of dietitians noted that these pigs probably received better nutritional care than most people!


Another barn and a different “clean” suit.

We had some fun while learning how pigs are raised humanely, cleanly, and perhaps with better health care than we are. If you want to eat clean, pork can make a great addition to your diet.


*This farm tour was sponsored by the National Pork Board, to help educate dietitians about production methods of American farms. I received no other compensation for this trip. #NationalPorkBoard

Game Plan: Smart Snacking for Football Weekends

November 30, 2014

It’s no surprise that so many people get off track with snacking during football season, especially between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Fewer hours of sunlight, colder weather, and boredom can lead to lots of junk food consumption, just for the fun of it.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what you can eat, five minutes after the last snack?

OK. Let’s fix that! Here are 5 simple tips for the right foods to keep on hand. These are foods that are satisfying, will quench your hunger, and just happen to be nutritious.

The DASH Diet BountyGame plan: Keep these key foods on hand.

  • Fruits: Apples, pears, berries, sliced melons, tangerines
  • Cut up raw veggies: bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, radishes, raw green beans, celery, and more.
  • Nuts including nut butters: Cashews, almonds, peanuts (preferably in-the-shell), hazelnuts, etc.
  • Dips: Salsa, guacamole, hummus
  • Cheese (Preferably light): Swiss (very low in sodium), Colby-Jack, Cheddar, Brie, etc.
  • Protein-rich foods: Hard-boiled eggs, slicked turkey, chicken, or beef, chickpeas, etc.

Mix it up. Something bulky, with something satisfying.

Pair up fruits or raw veggies with nuts, cheese, or the other protein-rich foods. Or top your raw veggies with one of the dips. The fruits and veggies are bulky and filling. The foods that have the protein and/or the heart healthy fats (nuts and guacamole) are going to quench your hunger, without putting you on a sugar roller coaster that can trigger cravings.

All of these foods are simple to keep on hand, ready-to-eat. If healthy, good snacks are easily available, you don’t have to have lots of discipline or willpower to stay on track. The new style of dieting doesn’t have you fighting how your body works. What a concept! This actually is easy to do!

This season is fraught with eating and drinking pitfalls. Make it easy on yourself by keeping great snack foods on hand.

And learn more easy-to-follow diet moves in The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution.



Happy Thanksgiving! It’s so DASH-friendly!

November 26, 2014

turkey2014We tend to think of the holidays as a time when healthy diets go out the window. However, it can be easy to stay on track with the DASH diet on Thanksgiving.

Remember the DASH diet principles: lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, poultry, low fat and nonfat dairy, bean and nuts, whole grains, and limited saturated fats and sweets. Use the following tips to make your Thanksgiving very DASH-friendly. And check out one of our favorite menus from previous Thanksgivings.


Raw veggies on a platter with a hummus dip.

Sliced yellow, orange, and red bell peppers, with a dip made from nonfat sour cream and salsa, or with guacamole.

Unsalted nuts.

Apple and pear slices with grapes.

Thanksgiving dinner

Turkey breast (with the skin removed) is very low in saturated fat. If you cook the stuffing separately from the bird, you are more likely to have a moist turkey breast. (Stuffing the bird means you need longer cooking times, which may result in dry breast meat.)Cranberry-stuffing

Make a low fat gravy by using a skimmer cup to separate out most of the fat from the turkey drippings. Make your gravy high flavor by first sauteing some onions or shallots with some garlic. Then add some red wine, and boil to burn off the alcohol, while leaving great flavor. Add skimmed meat drippings. Use instant flour (Wondra) to thicken hot gravy.

Use low sodium, nonfat chicken broth for more flavor in gravy and for moistening stuffing which is cooked in a casserole.

Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes are great sources of potassium, a key nutrient in the DASH diet. Use skim milk and light margarine for mashing.

Fill your plate with extra helpings of vegetables, to avoid overdoing calories.

Cranberry sauce is a great source of antioxidants, which are great for your heart.

Choose whole grain rolls.

pumpkin-pie-ceramic Dessert

Pumpkin pie can count as a vegetable. Have your favorite recipe, or check out our lighter low-fat pumpkin pie recipe.

Similarly, apple pie will provide a serving of fruit. Add some cranberries to make it special, and really on track for Thanksgiving.


Limit alcohol to moderate amounts to keep calories under control, and help you manage your blood pressure. Women should limit to 1 glass and men to 2 glasses per day. Fill your wine glass with water, so you have something to drink without overdoing alcohol. Or have a glass of skim milk to add another key DASH diet food.
If you are eating at someone else’s house, bring a vegetable dish or vegetable appetizers, so that you can be sure to have a healthy dinner.

Move it!

Exercise on Thanksgiving Day. Go for a walk, shoot some hoops, or play touch football. If it snows (which it may do in the North), go out and romp in the snow. Create a new tradition with some family active time on the holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

by Marla Heller, MS, RD

DASH diet expert, and author of The DASH Diet Mediterranean Solution, The DASH Diet Action Plan, The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution, The Everyday DASH Diet Cookbook, and The DASH Diet Younger You.

Got milk?

November 13, 2014

Pouring milk

Let’s talk about milk in the DASH diet. Almond milk and coconut milk do not have any dairy properties. Almond milk doesn’t even have a serving of almonds. And it requires lots of water to produce, which is an environmental concern in areas with drought, such as California (where almonds are produced).

For the DASH diet, milk provides the key nutrients calcium (milk proteins help dramatically to boost calcium absorption), potassium, vitamin D, and the excellent milk proteins. DASH research was conducted with real milk, so we don’t really know if soy milk provides the exact same benefits, but at least it is as rich in protein as cow’s milk, and has calcium and vitamin D.

Cow’s milk has been consumed by humans for thousands of years, as a sustainable protein source (along with the other nutrient benefits). It is minimally processed, unlike soy milk. I do, of course, recognize that people have tolerance problems with lactose or, less frequently, milk proteins (which I did have). Yogurt and cheese have very little lactose, and adding lactase (milk-sugar enzyme) can help you with tolerating milk. Some people find that acidophilus milk is easier to tolerate than regular milk. If you can, cow’s milk is a great choice, and if not, soy is a reasonable alternative.

Skim (nonfat) or low-fat milk are your best choices. (And, yes, skimming off the butterfat has also been done for centuries.) The butterfat is highly saturated, which increases your risk for heart disease and type 2 diabetes. You don’t, however, want low-fat yogurt, since that has tons of extra sugar. The light yogurts are fat free and have little or no added-sugar. The clue is in the calories. If your yogurt has 90 calories or less for 6 oz, it is light!

If you have been told that you have a mild allergic response to casein by as shown by IgE, that is most likely a problem only for regular milk. After milk has been modified by heating or fermenting (yogurt, cheese, etc) you will probably not be sensitive to those forms. So hot chocolate may be OK (love that!), along with yogurt and cheese. See if that works for you.

On a side note, I used to get frequent, severe intestinal pains, but I didn’t know what it was, and used to drink more and more milk to calm it down. Eventually I was taken off milk to see if it was causing my headaches. The headaches didn’t stop, but my intestinal pains went away. Aha! After many years, I found yogurt that I liked, and started consuming that frequently, to get more calcium into my diet. Eventually, I decided to try milk again. Surprise! No intestinal pains. My thought has been that the yogurt nurtured the good intestinal bacteria, and thus eliminated any allergic response to milk protein. Yay!

And speaking of good bacteria, research has shown that people can lose weight just by adding one yogurt each day. Now we think that this may be due to those good bacteria, known as part of a healthy intestinal microbiota. Thinner people tend to have more of these good bacteria. And in lab rats, transplanting these good bacteria from thin rats into fat rats, causes the fat ones to lose weight. Good intestinal bacteria may promote reaching and staying at a healthier weight! Learn more about healthy gut bacteria in the upcoming book, The DASH Diet Younger You. An additional way that milk may help with weight loss is by providing lots of whey protein, which is especially powerful for maintaining or building muscle. During older types of weight loss plans, people were encouraged to reduce protein in their diet, which led to excessive muscle loss, and thus, slower metabolism. The whey protein in milk, as part of a diet with sufficient protein from all sources, can help make weight loss more sustainable.

Watch out for Greek yogurt, which is lower in the critical whey protein, even though it is higher over in protein as compared with regular yogurt. And Greek yogurt is also lower in calcium and potassium which are so important for having healthier blood pressure.

Dairy is critical to the DASH diet. In the original DASH diet research, they evaluated whether adding extra fruits and veggies (also key DASH foods) would lower blood pressure. However, without 2 – 3 daily servings of dairy,  there was very little blood pressure benefit! Learn more at http://dashdiet.org.

Get going and get milk!

(DASH = Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension)

DASH as the Anti-Diet

February 4, 2014

The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution

Too many of us think of diets as something involving slavish devotion to reading labels, calculating calories and fat grams, and mustering up self-discipline to lose weight. What if you didn’t have to do this? What if you could jettison your calculator, put your reading glasses away, and learn to eat in a healthy way that naturally cured cravings, kept your hunger under control, and made it easier to maintain your new healthier weight.

That is the promise of The DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution.

  1. No calorie counting. Nope, none! You eat a variety of foods that happen to be lower in calories, are filling, and help to quench your hunger, naturally.
  2. Eliminate (most) label reading. Unprocessed and minimally processed foods tend to be rich in what’s good for you, and not have additives that you want to avoid.

How could you possibly lose weight with this kind of plan? Having bulky, filling fruits and veggies helps you get lots of volume without lots of calories. Including protein and/or heart healthy fats at every meal and snack satisfies your hunger and keeps you feeling full longer. Avoiding most refined starchy and added-sugar foods helps you get off the blood sugar roller coaster, minimizing cravings. And by ensuring that you get enough protein, you are able to maintain more muscle (and thus, higher metabolism) than you would on the old-fashioned type of diet plan. And you will see how it wan’t a lack of willpower that made previous plans unworkable, it was the design of the old plans that didn’t work.

This is a very intuitive plan, that allows you to trust your own sense of hunger and fullness. Yes, we give you suggested meal plans. But you can make your own choices and substitutions. You can follow them exactly, choose a few that seem to work for you, or just use them as a jumping off point. We also give you an ultra-simplified version, so that you can easily visualize how to eat in any type of venue, when new situations arise.

So the DASH diet is remade into the anti-diet. It becomes your new lifestyle plan, to follow for the rest of your life.

8 DASH Diet Resolutions Make It Easy

January 1, 2014

The DASH Diet BountyWay back when the DASH diet was considered to be only for the research setting, I decided to make it easier to follow. DASH was too important to health; it couldn’t just sit on the shelf. So I created an actionable plan that almost anyone could put into action in their real life.

Ready for your 8 simple resolutions to get you on the DASH diet path?

1. Have 3 meals and 2 – 3 snacks everyday. Deprivation doesn’t lead to lasting weight loss.

2. Make colorful veggies the center of your meal. They are bulky, filling, and healthy, while low in calories.

3. Add lean protein-rich foods to make a meal that satisfies and won’t leave you hungry an hour later.

4.Choose 2 – 3 dairy foods that are low-fat or nonfat, every day. Dairy boosts protein and helps quench hunger.

5. Add fresh fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth the healthy way.

6. Nuts, beans, and seeds make fun snacks that love your heart and help you lose weight.

7. When you have grains, make them whole grains.

8. Watch your waistline shrink. You are improving your health as you lose weight, with these healthy resolutions.

The DASH Diet Weight Loss SolutionThe DASH Diet Weight Loss Solution is based on these rules. And while it helps you lose weight, DASH makes you healthier. DASH is proven to lower blood pressure, cholesterol, lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers.

DASH for it!

DASHing Through Thanksgiving

November 21, 2013

ImageWe tend to think of the holidays as a time when healthy diets go out the window. However, it can be very easy to stay on track with the DASH diet on Thanksgiving.

Remember the DASH diet principles: lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, poultry, low fat and nonfat dairy, bean and nuts, and whole grains, and limited saturated fats and sweets. Use the following tips to make your Thanksgiving very DASH-friendly.

    • Appetizers
      • Raw veggies on a platter with a hummus dip.
      • Sliced yellow, orange, and red bell peppers, with a dip made from nonfat sour cream and salsa.
      • Unsalted nuts.
      • Apple and pear slices with grapes.
    • Thanksgiving dinner
      • Turkey breast (with the skin removed) is very low in saturated fat. If you cook the stuffing separately from the bird, you are more likely to have a moist turkey breast. (Stuffing the bird means you need longer cooking times, which may result in dry breast meat.)
      • Make a low fat gravy by using a skimmer cup to separate out most of the fat from the turkey drippings. Make your gravy high flavor by first sauteing some onions or shallots with some garlic. Then add some red wine, and boil to burn off the alcohol, while leaving great flavor. Add skimmed meat drippings. Use instant flour (Wondra) to thicken hot gravy.
      • Use low sodium, nonfat chicken broth for more flavor in gravy and for moistening stuffing which is cooked in a casserole.
      • Mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes are great sources of potassium, a key nutrient in the DASH diet. Use skim milk and light margarine for mashing, and watch out for the serving size.
      • Fill your plate with extra helpings of vegetables, to avoid overdoing calories.
      • Cranberry sauce is a great source of antioxidants, which are great for your heart.
      • Choose whole grain rolls, or skip them, to focus on other favorites.
    • Alcohol
      • Limit alcohol to moderate amounts to keep calories under control, and help you manage your blood pressure. Women should limit to 1 glass and men to 2 glasses per day. If you have already had your drink, fill your wine glass with water, so you have something to drink without overdoing alcohol. Or have a glass of skim milk to add another key DASH diet food.
  • If you are eating at someone else’s house, bring a vegetable dish or vegetable appetizers, so that you can be sure to have a healthy dinner.
  • Exercise on Thanksgiving Day. Go for a walk, shoot some hoops, or play touch football. If it snows (which it may do in the North), go out and romp in the snow. Create a new tradition with some family active time on the holiday.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

by Marla Heller, MS, RD

The trouble with swaps

June 18, 2013

Lots of diet plans promote swaps. Substitute this for that and save so many calories.

Everyone knows the drill. Make salads with yogurt instead of mayo. Replace sugars in baked goods with artificial sweeteners. Use low fat dressings. Have wraps instead of big sandwiches. Indulge your urge for crunch with popcorn instead of chips.

So what is wrong with that?

It doesn’t have you eating healthier or in a way that naturally satisfies hunger.

And, so sadly, swaps often leave you feeling that you have saved calories, so why not do a little splurge on, say, a Frappuccino in the afternoon.  And the weight doesn’t go anywhere.

If you know about all of these swaps and still are struggling with how to lose weight and keep it off, you need to lose these dieting “tricks” and get real. If you want different results, you need to do something different.

And that is the premise of The Dash Diet Weight Loss Solution. It teaches you how to eat again. Without gimmicks. No rice cakes. No sugar-free cookies. No air-popped popcorn. Not even counting calories or obsessing about nutrition labels.

Mostly freBlack bean burgersh and natural foods, with a few minimally processed additions for fun, make it so easy to follow a healthy plan. Resetting your appetite gives you a plan you can follow for a lifetime. No more yo-yo dieting. Just healthy eating. With a positive focus.

Add more protein-rich foods to satisfy hunger. Fill up with lots of veggies and fruit. Add low-fat and nonfat dairy for protein and probiotics.  Yes, you can have nuts, which provide protein, fiber, and heart healthy fats. Include fish that are rich in protein and healthy fats. Choose olive oil and other beneficial fats that also quench hunger.

Have 3 abundant meals and 2 – 3 snacks every day to keep hunger at bay, and make it so easy to lose weight, naturally.

Photo © Marla Heller, MS, RD, from The Everyday DASH Diet Cookbook